Andrew S. Conklin holds a BFA from the American Academy of Art...
Anwesha is an oil painter based in Chicago has paintings in private...
Barbara Kay Herring is a Chicago based artist, living in the Lakeview/Wrigleyville...
Contemporary Impressionist Painter and Sculptor EducationAmerican Academy of Art, Chicago IllinoisArt Institute...
Creativity has always been a part of my everyday life. In 2005...
"I'm very interested in the face and figure in representational art. The...
I love art and design in all forms and medium, in every...
Born in Seoul, Korea, Don Yang came to the United States in...
Donna's lifetime love of fashion provides much of the creative inspiration for...
Errol Jacobson is a Chicago based artist who works in oils. He...
Painting has been my passion ever since I was a little girl,...
World travel, nature have always been inspirational in my art practice. Worked...