Andrew S. Conklin
Andrew S. Conklin holds a BFA from the American Academy of Art...
Anwesha Biswas
Anwesha is an oil painter based in Chicago has paintings in private...
Barbara K Herring
Barbara Kay Herring is a Chicago based artist, living in the Lakeview/Wrigleyville...
Bobbie Puttrich
Contemporary Impressionist Painter and Sculptor EducationAmerican Academy of Art, Chicago IllinoisArt Institute...
Christiane Bouret
Creativity has always been a part of my everyday life. In 2005...
David Harover
"I'm very interested in the face and figure in representational art. The...
Deborah Paige-Jackson
I love art and design in all forms and medium, in every...
Donna West
Donna's lifetime love of fashion provides much of the creative inspiration for...
Errol Jacobson
Errol Jacobson is a Chicago based artist who works in oils. He...
Farida Korobova
Painting has been my passion ever since I was a little girl,...
George Freeman
World travel, nature have always been inspirational in my art practice. Worked...